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Passionate About Inspiring Others

Coach Rose

I began my adult life on the path to becoming a physical therapist. It seemed only natural, as I loved learning about the human body, loved playing sports, and wanted to help heal people.

What I discovered when I started shadowing a PT is that putting a body through the motions doesn’t do much good if the person themselves doesn't want to be there and do the work. This was a small percentage of people, of course, but enough to be discouraging to me.

After graduating with a B.S. in Health Professions, I worked a few jobs in retail and food-service. I learned to be a line cook on-the-job and eventually made my way to being a manager and prep cook/baker for a small bistro. That job offered me so much creative freedom and I got to work with my hands.

Coach Rose portrait

 There was a kind of magic to it;

my own personal recipes, that I made from-scratch,

would seem to nourish people’s spirits. 

Not only would some folks tell me that right out, but I could see it on people’s faces when they were savoring that “perfect bite”, finding a moment of bliss in their chaotic day. This was a small percentage of people, sure, but enough to ignite dreams of owning my own restaurant.

Life happened, and I moved across the country with my partner. I found a restaurant job with much less creative freedom and more business-sided responsibilities. The reality of the scope of work that has to be done outside of the kitchen to run a restaurant really sunk in, and I knew that “restaurant owner” was no longer in the cards for me. 

When my daughter was born, I left the work-force for a while. That time was full of wonder and challenges, all rolled together with the global pandemic. The shift of the world as a whole, my personal experiences, and the impact that motherhood had on me, all left me wondering what my calling was. 

Barefooted woman, walking through a dark forest with a lantern; only visible from the knees down
I wanted to heal people, but knew that I couldn’t carry all the weight for them.
I wanted to nourish people, body and spirit, but had learned that the restaurant business is more draining to me than it is fulfilling. 

What if, instead, I could teach people the skills to heal themselves emotionally,

and to nurture those around them?

The calling to be a Guide to those on the path to healing and personal growth seemed very much in alignment with my passion for life and my desire to serve. 
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Education & Training

Eduction and Training

Education & Training



Neurological Fitness Coaching

  • NeuroFit®

    • Certified Nervous System Coach 

Completed Training & Education:

Sex and Relationship Coaching

  • Somatica Institute® 

    • Core Curriculum Training 2023

    • Professional Couples Master Class 2023

    • In-Person BDSM Master Class, March 2024

    • Advanced Curriculum, 2024


B.S. in Health Sciences, Psychology minor

  • Grand Valley State University, Class 2010

  • Study Abroad at The University of the Sunshine Coast, Sippy Downs, Australia (2009)


Certifications In-Progress:


Sex and Relationship Coaching

Shadow Coaching


Menstrual Cycle Coaching

Thistles; Image by Vino Li


Certificate Courses Completed:


Somatic Embodiment and Regulation Strategies, 2023

  • Collectively Rooted, instructor Linda Thai LMSW


Advanced Master Program on the Treatment of Trauma, 2023

  • The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine

Personal Curiosity & Exploration


Embodied Sensuality and Empowerment for Women

Spirituality & the Shamanic Pathway 

(what is "Shamanism"?)



White Sands
Book a free exploration session
Link to neurological fitness page
Link to relationship coaching page
Link to boundaries of the practice page
Link to my coaching perspectives page
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"Rhapsody in Rose"

Recently, a mental-meandering inspired me to listen to George Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue” in its entirety for the first time. Sure, I recognized a few bits of the melody, but hearing it all together was profound in a way that was both freeing and healing

In music, a rhapsody is  “a piece of music of indeterminate length and with no formal structure, comprised of a number of different musical ideas. A rhapsody is all about dynamics: light and shade, high and low, loud and soft, happy and sad… It’s a story, a journey and usually quite the musical ride” - Michael Beek 
Woman Singing with Headphones

While I was listening, I had on my headphones and was moving about the house. I found myself changing the way I moved with every change in the music. Never before had I embodied different emotions like this, one after the other. The free-flow of the music was like being given permission to feel anything; no formula to stick to, no particular style to exclude all others. All the different facets of my personality felt seen and celebrated. .

In general use, rhapsody is “an effusively enthusiastic or ecstatic expression of feeling”  (Oxford dictionary). 
What joy and healing there is to be found in freedom of expression! 
Combined, both the meanings of “rhapsody” resonate strongly with me; how I view myself as a whole person, and also how I want to move through the world. 

“Rose” is one of my given names, a name passed down in my family.

The rose itself has great symbolism for me, as it encompasses the idea of complementary opposites working together. Surely, much pleasure can be found in a rose’s silky petals, its sweet perfume. Yet, I also find beauty in the fierce, unapologetic strength of its thorns, like the proclamation of healthy boundaries. 

Roses come in so many different hues, and they have historically stood for different things. I’m all for the “red-red-rose” of desire and passion, and I also value the other types of close connections that we can have with others, such as friendships and family ties.
rose background; quote from Marlo Quintana “don’t waste your time chasing butterflies. Mend your garden (they will come)”

“Rhapsody in Rose” is my radical reclamation of Self.

I strive to recognize and embrace all the parts of myself,

and to allow myself the freedom to express myself fully, without fear or shame. 

 This is exactly what I want for you too, and I’m here to help!

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My Gender & Sexuality*

I am a woman who is committed to breaking down the societal limitations of what a person “should be” or “should want.” To me, the unique person that you ARE is so much more important, and something to celebrate!

For a long time, I struggled with my body and gender. I felt so constrained by the limited ways my female body could be powerful, and the societal demand for women to “do it all” (i.e., balance career AND family). I’ve seen male-bodied folks shamed for being nurturing in any way, or afraid that their natural sexuality is too intense for their partner.

My goal is to help people feel less constrained by their assumed roles; to help people explore and expand their definition of gender as well as the ways they feel able to express themselves in the world. 

My Unique Offerings as a Sexuality & Relationship Coach

What excites me most about the concept of the “Relationship Lab” (a part of the Somatica Method®), is that I get to relate to you as a real person, and bring whatever energy you need in the moment!

I am a cis woman (pansexual switch), and I have done a lot of personal exploration around gender. Growing up on a family farm gave me a unique perspective; my father was my boss and he managed my older brother and me. This, combined with my brother’s hand-me-down clothes and the fact that I had the same physical responsibilities he had at my age, gave me a unique perspective on the masculine.

Half of my childhood I was essentially socialized as a boy; I don’t see this a detriment, but rather a unique gift that allows me to relate with a lot more people. 

Due to my personal upbringing and gender exploration, I can bring a variety of different energies into role-play as a part of the Relationship Lab portions of our sessions. What this all means for our coaching is that, whatever energy you bring, in whatever vessel, there’s likely to be an authentic facet of myself that will respond to that energy!

Allow me to guide you in your self-discovery and self-expression and to teach you the skills necessary to have meaningful connection and intimacy.
White Sands
Link to books a free exploration session
Link to neurological fitness page
Link to relationship coaching page
Link to boundaries page
link to coaching prospective page
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