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My Coaching Perspective

Unleash Your Main Character Energy 

For too long, I sat in the passenger seat of my own life, trying to navigate “The Way” from outdated maps, and letting someone else take the wheel.

Coming into my power as the Ultimate Authority in my own life was certainly a journey. For me, it was a series of moments of clarity, like bubbles rising to the surface and bursting. 

“I’m capable of so much more than this”
“My feelings are valid”
“Is this all I’m ever going to feel in this relationship?”
Quote: time flies, but you’re the pilot

If you find yourself having moments like this,
 this is your calling to embrace your
Main Character Energy

and hop in the driver’s seat! 

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My Views on Self and Relationships

I believe that humans are whole, sovereign beings. For too long in our modern society, there has been a severance between Body, Mind and Spirit. This disconnect between the parts of ourselves then prevents us from having healthy relationships with others.

Infographic, bio-psycho-social-spiritual model of the Self

The Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual Model of Wellness, first discussed in Western medicine by George L. Engel, encompasses the idea that all four realms of humanity affect each other, and never truly operate in isolation. 

​As a trained Sex and Relationship Coach, I have the skills to work with you in the areas of physical and emotional intimacy, where many practitioners fear to tread.​

This approach covers all four realms of humanity, with practices such as “Feather and Holding Touch” (body), “De-compartmentalizing Sexuality” (mind), “Sharing Feelings Vulnerably” (social), and “Discovering Your Main Erotic Theme” (soul). 

more coming soon!

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Modes of Embodied Transformation

and *Release*
Taking in new information mentally and learning new physical and emotional skills is important. It is in this mode that you can create new habits and patterns.
I call this mode "Increase".
While more passion or better communication may be your goal, some unpleasant emotions may bubble up on the way to getting there.
Silouette of a woman with her arms outstretched and a sunrise; Increase mode
That's where we can go into “Release” mode.
Woman screaming in rage with her hands on her face; man covers his face in grief
Part of my function as a coach is to give you the space to let it all out; to finally let your guard down and cry, vent, be fully human. 
So often, we can't express our full range of emotions because it's overwhelming for the other person(s) involved.

Through my own personal growth journey, I've been doing the work to expand my emotional capacity.
This means I can bring openness, warmth, and empathy as a way to provide a safe container
for you to express all of your humanity, to be witnessed.
The fire and magic necessary for transformation are already within you;
I'm here to hold and guide you during the process
White Sands
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