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My Coaching Philosophy

I have three very strong images that I try to encapsulate in my coaching practice.

One is the Lighthouse: “

Be the lighthouse rather than a lifeboat. You don't have

to rescue anyone, instead, help others find their own way to shore.” I want to be that light out in the world, and I can set an example simply by being true to myself.

Another image that I love is my Front Porch. It’s my way of “holding space for someone”. This is where you can come to me and take off your armor for a bit, unburden yourself, and sort through what you want to get rid of and who you want to be.

In my metaphor, my house is my Heart-Home. My family lives there. Their words and actions impact me deeply because I have made myself vulnerable to them by welcoming them in.

I can’t let the whole world into my Heart-Home. Not if I want to stay sane.

There’s plenty of room on my Porch though…

Come sit with me as the late afternoon sunlight filters through the emerald and chartreuse canopy of the forest around us. Sit in the giant porch swing with me, or curl up on the oversized outdoor-safe bean bag chair. I’ve got your favorite “comfort drink”. Bring all your stuff. I mean, ALL your baggage… this is a huge porch, there’s space.

At your pace, we can start to sort…

First, they’ll be a pile of things you want to keep. We can handle those carefully.

Next are the piles of things you want to get rid of. One pile can be things you’ve held tenderly in the past; useful, cherished things that no longer fit the person you are becoming. We can donate those things. There is nothing wrong with them and we bear them no ill-will, there is just no place for them in your life any longer. We can handle those things tenderly as well.

The next pile will be for things that never really fit, and can’t really be useful to anyone else. Those things can go right in the trash. I also have a compost pile, if you’d like to give that particular thing back to the Earth. A safe distance from my porch, there is a place for a bonfire… we could wait until nightfall, and I will dance with you in celebration as you give all the things you want to shed to the Fire.

Once we’re done, and you feel complete, we can sit back on the porch and carefully pack up the things you’re keeping. I hope you feel lighter as you step off my porch and take the steps towards becoming more “you”. Your path is your own, but I hope you know my porch is always here, and you are welcome back.

No need to feel any guilt or shame about anything you unpacked and maybe left on my porch. I send the things you’d like to donate off to where they can be useful. Then, when I’m alone, I conjure up a great, cleansing storm, the Wind and the Rain washes any negative residue left behind.

I am at peace. I have provided a safe space for you to rest, to take off your armor and unburden yourself, all while protecting the sanctity of my Heart-Home.

This is the magic I wield ✨

The last image that really resonates with me as a coach is that of Guide.

I'm sitting in the woods, perfectly content by a warm fire. You're lost, and you come upon me. The fire is something you've been longing for.. or perhaps it's something you didn't even know you desperately needed until now.

Sit and experience a little taste of this glorious fire with me… Experience with me what is possible within yourself.

Now that you’re ready, here’s all the ways you can build a fire on your own. Here’s the kinds of foods you can forage for, and here’s a map. The map has some well-worn paths marked, as well as some blank spaces you can fill in on your own.

Safe Travels my friend. Here is a GPS phone too… you’re never alone or without resources.

So come, sit with me on my Front Porch, or find me in the Woods. Until then, I’ll be dancing with Life, accepting what comes my way and shining my light out into the world.

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