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Ode To the First Sip - A Simple Pleasure 

Updated: Jul 17

White ceramic mug with steam

Ode to the First Sip

The mug sits patiently,

Letting off enticing tendrils of steam

Warm liquid releasing vapor to dance with cool air

An invitation.

A hand reaches out, hesitant.

Not ready to be grasped there, but, yes, there.

That feels right in this moment.

Drawing it near, I welcome the vapors into my lungs.

Freely given, gratefully received, 

The layered aromas bring pleasure deep within

Desire blossoms.

Mouth salivates and cheeks come alive,

Pulsing with blood and potential motion

Seeking connection with that Other, 

Lips part to make room for more.

Taking in those dancing vapors once more, desire builds 

This time, I allow the desire to flow out my lips, across the surface of this Liquid Lover in my mug

Another hand completes the embrace,

That part no longer too hot to touch, 

Instead, now ready to share its warmth. 

Lips caress the edge of the mug like a prayer,

Warm ceramic like a sun-kissed stone on the river’s banks

That First Sip

Fills my mouth with orgasmic pleasure 

Slowly, it travels down

Seeping into the places that needed comfort and nourishment 

Like warm summer rain 

soaking all the layers of the subsoil, 

down to the bedrock

As I welcome in more, 

I feel its magic continue. 

Slowly loosening things,

Washing away worry 

The intensity of desire 

Yields to satiated contentment.

A Simple Pleasure

I feel gratitude deep in my fleshy being

One last caress along smooth stone as I gently release my grasp

Until next time” I whisper, with a sigh and a smile 

Author: Kat Rose, 2023

A woman reverently sips a mug of tea with eyes closed

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