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Intimacy & Relationship Coaching

To me, the combination of traditional talk-based coaching with visceral experiences and skills-building is the ideal approach to help you reach your intimacy goals.

Unique to the Somatica® Method

is the concept of the “Relationship Lab”.

This is the part of a coaching session that allows you to actually practice two-way relating with another person.
In session, you and I both get to bring our authentic selves in service of your growth. By practicing this way, you will get real-time experiences around intimacy so you can get feedback and gain confidence around all sorts of situations and skills.
quote: “love is a noun and a verb”
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What Kinds of Things Do I Work With?

What’s weighing heavy on your heart?

These things and so much more are within your power to confront. 

At the core of all of these issues, I hear the yearning for a Reclamation of Self-Sovereignty; a longing to take back control of your life. 

The secret they don’t want you to know? 

You can’t get there by using your head alone. All the quick-fix self care products you can buy won’t get you to the root of your issue by themselves. 

You’re here because you want make a change in your life

What is weighing on your heart graphic

We can work together to reconnect you to your body in order to reclaim its power, wisdom, and pleasure. At the same time, we can deconstruct the forces of shame that hold you captive in various ways. 

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What does the Process Look Like?

Somatic-based sexuality and relationship coaching takes the form of a little bit of education and lots of experiential practices; both to re-attune to your own body, and to practice relating to another person.  

Some examples of practices from each realm of learning:

Knowledge & Facts: 

  • Sex education and anatomy

  • Basics of how the Nervous System functions

  • Attachment vs Individuation and the interplay of the two with desire.

Emotional & Physical Attunement:

  • What does “neutral” feel like?

  • How do I find safety in my own body? 

  • How do different emotions feel in my body?

  • Explore bodily pathways to pleasure (as opposed to the direct brain->genitals route)

  • ​What are my core desires?

Pie chart of the three realms of learning

Communication & Sensory Skills

  • Having a consent conversation

  • How to read body language (including escalation with ongoing consent and how to ask for guidance/input without breaking “the mood”)

  • Sharing a feeling vulnerably

  • Learning how to give different types of sensations, such as 'feather touch" and "holding touch". 

  • Sharing your “Hottest Sexual Movie”

This is just the tip of the iceberg, but know that no topics are off limits
when it comes to getting you to where you want to be!
White Sands
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Link to neurological fitness page
Link to my coaching perspectives page
Link to boundaries of the practice page
Link to Coach Rose bio
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